[0001 [0233 [0000 Ec[000000]LBf[16]abdomenB The posterior part of an arthropod's body. Ec[000000]f[16]LBaberrantB Not in accordance with type. Ec[000000]f[16]LBaboralB Opposite the mouth. Ec[000000]f[16]LBacellularB Not considered as cells but as complete organisms. Ec[000000]f[16]LBadaptationB A process that suits an organism to its environment. Ec[000000]f[16]LBaerateB To supply with oxygen or air. Ec[000000]f[16]LBaerialB Pertaining to the air. Ec[000000]f[16]LBaggregationB A grouping. Ec[000000]f[16]LBambiguitiesB Uncertainties. Ec[000000]f[16]LBamebocyteB A wandering cell similar to an amoeba. Ec[000000]f[16]LBametabolous metamorphosisB Simple metamorphosis in which increased size is the only observable change. Ec[000000]f[16]LBamorphousB Having no definite form. Ec[000000]f[16]LBandroconiaB Wing scales modified to produce pheromones; scent scales. Ec[000000]f[16]LBantennaeB Filamentous sensory appendages on the head of an insect; the singular form is IantennaI. Ec[000000]f[16]LBanteriorB The head end. Ec[000000]f[16]LBanthraxB A typically fatal disease that is transmitted to human beings through contact with contaminated animal substances, such as hair, feces, or hides; it is characterized by skin lesions. Ec[000000]f[16]LBapparatusB A system of organs that collectively perform a function. Ec[000000]f[16]LBapparitionB A sudden or unusual sight. Ec[000000]f[16]LBappendageB An organ or part attached to the trunk. Ec[000000]f[16]LBappositionB A mosaic arrangement of dots in a compound eye. Ec[000000]f[16]LBarbitraryB Depending on choice. Ec[000000]f[16]LBarchetypeB Original form from which others may derive. Ec[000000]f[16]LBarthropodB A segmented animal that usually has jointed legs and a chitinous cuticle. Ec[000000]f[16]LBassemblageB A collection of persons or things. Ec[000000]f[16]LBbiochemicalB Pertaining to the chemistry of living organisms. Ec[000000]f[16]LBbipectinateB Comblike. Ec[000000]f[16]LBbotanyB The scientific study of plant life. Ec[000000]f[16]LBbrood chamberB A chamber for hatching eggs. Ec[000000]f[16]LBcarnivorousB Meat-eating. Ec[000000]f[16]LBcarrionB Dead and decaying flesh. Ec[000000]f[16]LBcasteB A distinction between social insects of the same species. Ec[000000]f[16]LBcelluloseB Structural material of green plants. Ec[000000]f[16]LBcercusB A jointed appendage at the end of the abdomen. Ec[000000]f[16]LBchemoreceptorB A cell or organ that is sensitive to chemical change. Ec[000000]f[16]LBchitinB Shell-forming polysaccharide; the adjective form is IchitinousI. Ec[000000]f[16]LBchromosomeB A body in the cell nucleus that contains nucleoprotein. Ec[000000]f[16]LBchrysalisB The outer case of insect pupa. Ec[000000]f[16]LBciliaB A short, hairlike process. Ec[000000]f[16]LBciliateB Provided with cilia. Ec[000000]f[16]LBclassificationB A system of organizing plants and animals by their similarities and differences. Ec[000000]f[16]LBcocoonB A protective covering for insect eggs or pupa form. Ec[000000]f[16]LBcolonyB A collection of organisms living together. Ec[000000]f[16]LBconspicuousB Obvious or easy to notice. Ec[000000]f[16]LBconstituentB Serving to make up a unit or whole. Ec[000000]f[16]LBconventionB Usage or custom. Ec[000000]f[16]LBcopiousB Abundant. Ec[000000]f[16]LBcopulationB Sexual union. Ec[000000]f[16]LBcornicleB An aphid's wax-secreting organ. Ec[000000]f[16]LBcoronaB The rounded, upper portion of the body. Ec[000000]f[16]LBcoxaB An insect's joint that is closest to the trunk. Ec[000000]f[16]LBcriterionB Standard on which a decision may be based. Ec[000000]f[16]LBcursorialB Adapted to running. Ec[000000]f[16]LBcuticleB The outermost epidermal layer. Ec[000000]f[16]LBdecapitateB To remove the head. Ec[000000]f[16]LBdeduceB To infer from general principle. Ec[000000]f[16]LBdichotomousB Divided into two parts. Ec[000000]f[16]LBdifferentiatedB Modified in structure and function. Ec[000000]f[16]LBdipteranB A true fly. Ec[000000]f[16]LBdivergentB Differing from each other. Ec[000000]f[16]LBdorsalB Pertaining to the back. Ec[000000]f[16]LBdroneB A male bee. Ec[000000]f[16]LBdynamicB Changing. Ec[000000]f[16]LBdysenteryB A parasitic infection of the lower intestinal tract, often resulting in severe diarrhea and the loss of blood. Ec[000000]f[16]LBecdysisB The molting or shedding of an outer layer. Ec[000000]f[16]LBectoparasiteB A parasite living on the outside of a host's body. Ec[000000]f[16]LBectoparasiticB Parasitizing the exterior of a host. Ec[000000]f[16]LBegestB To rid the body of. Ec[000000]f[16]LBelongatedB Made longer or extended; having more length than width. Ec[000000]f[16]LBelytrumB A hard, protective wing sheath; the plural form is IelytraI. Ec[000000]f[16]LBemaciationB Physically wasted away. Ec[000000]f[16]LBembryoB A young, undeveloped organism. Ec[000000]f[16]LBencephalitisB Inflammation of the brain. Ec[000000]f[16]LBendoparasiticB Parasitizing the interior of a host. Ec[000000]f[16]LBendoskeletonB An internal skeleton. Ec[000000]f[16]LBenvironmentB Surrounding conditions or circumstances. Ec[000000]f[16]LBephemeralB Short-lived. Ec[000000]f[16]LBepidemicB A widely prevalent occurrence, especially of a disease. Ec[000000]f[16]LBepidermisB The outermost protective layer. Ec[000000]f[16]LBeversibleB Able to turn inside out. Ec[000000]f[16]LBexcreteB To expel wastes from the body. Ec[000000]f[16]LBextrudeB To force or push out. Ec[000000]f[16]LBeyespotB A pigment spot that appears to be an eye. Ec[000000]f[16]LBfacetsB The corneal portion of an insect's eye. Ec[000000]f[16]LBfastidiousB Meticulous, exacting. Ec[000000]f[16]LBfemurB Usually the third joint of an arthropod's leg. Ec[000000]f[16]LBfilamentousB Having a threadlike structure. Ec[000000]f[16]LBfilarialB Pertaining to slender, filamentous nematodes. Ec[000000]f[16]LBfissionB The division of cells into two or more parts. Ec[000000]f[16]LBfloriculturistB A person who cultivates flowering and ornamental plants. Ec[000000]f[16]LBforewingsB The anterior wings of a four-winged insect. Ec[000000]f[16]LBfossilB The petrified remains of previous lives embedded in rocks. Ec[000000]f[16]LBfurculaB A forked process sometimes acting as a springlike organ of propulsion. Ec[000000]f[16]LBgameteB Germ cells or sex cells. Ec[000000]f[16]LBgenealogicB Pertaining to the ancestors of an individual. Ec[000000]f[16]LBgillB The respiratory organ of most aquatic animals. Ec[000000]f[16]LBhabitatB An ecological community in which an animal dwells. Ec[000000]f[16]LBhalteresB Rudimentary posterior wings. Ec[000000]f[16]LBhaustellateB Adapted for sucking. Ec[000000]f[16]LBhemipteranB Insects commonly called bugs. Ec[000000]f[16]LBherbivoreB A plant-eater. Ec[000000]f[16]LBhermaphroditicB Having both male and female reproductive organs. Ec[000000]f[16]LBheteronomousB Subject to different laws of growth. Ec[000000]f[16]LBheteropteranB Hemipteran species that are mainly aquatic insects. Ec[000000]f[16]LBheterotrophicB Obtaining energy from organic compounds. Ec[000000]f[16]LBheterotrophicallyB As a consumer. Ec[000000]f[16]LBhierarchiesB Groups organized in ranks. Ec[000000]f[16]LBholozoicB Obtaining food by ingesting complex organic matter. Ec[000000]f[16]LBhomologousB Resembling in structure and origin. Ec[000000]f[16]LBhomopteranB Hemipterans that feed on plants. Ec[000000]f[16]LBhydrostaticB Pertaining to liquids at rest and the pressures they exert. Ec[000000]f[16]LBhymenopteranB Insects of an order that undergo complete metamorphosis. Ec[000000]f[16]LBhypodermisB Layer of tissue lying beneath and secreting the cuticle. Ec[000000]f[16]LBhypotheticalB Depending on supposition. Ec[000000]f[16]LBimagoB The adult stage of a completed metamorphosis. Ec[000000]f[16]LBimmatureB Not fully developed. Ec[000000]f[16]LBinanimateB Not ever alive. Ec[000000]f[16]LBindeterminableB Incapable of being definitely decided. Ec[000000]f[16]LBindiscriminateB Unselective; random or haphazard. Ec[000000]f[16]LBinfertileB Sterile, unproductive. Ec[000000]f[16]LBinfestB Invade or infect. Ec[000000]f[16]LBinfraredB Invisible range of radiation, which is just below red in the spectrum. Ec[000000]f[16]LBingestionB The act of taking in for digestion. Ec[000000]f[16]LBinnervationB The nerve supply to an organ or part. Ec[000000]f[16]LBinorganicB Other than plant or animal. Ec[000000]f[16]LBinstarB Particular stage between molts. Ec[000000]f[16]LBintermediate hostB The host in which a parasite does not completely mature. Ec[000000]f[16]LBinterrelateB Bringing into mutual relation. Ec[000000]f[16]LBinvertebrateB An animal that has no spinal cord. Ec[000000]f[16]LBJohnston's organB Vibration-sensitive organ in a second antenna segment. Ec[000000]f[16]LBlaceratingB Suited to ripping or cutting. Ec[000000]f[16]LBlarvaB Independent, self-sustainingB Binsect embryo; the plural form is IlarvaeI. Ec[000000]f[16]LBlateral filamentB Bristlelike projections on the sides of an abdomen. Ec[000000]f[16]LBlensB The transparent part of the eye. Ec[000000]f[16]LBlethargicB Sluggish, inactive. Ec[000000]f[16]LBlevitateB To rise into the air. Ec[000000]f[16]LBluminescentB Light-producing. Ec[000000]f[16]LBmalariaB A disease that is characterized by chills, fever, and sweating and caused by a parasitic infection transmitted by the anopheles mosquito. Ec[000000]f[16]LBmandibleB Paired mouth appendage in insects. Ec[000000]f[16]LBmembranousB Dry, pliable, and semitransparent. Ec[000000]f[16]LBmetamorphosisB Change of form and structure. Ec[000000]f[16]LBmimicryB Superficial resemblance to another organism. Ec[000000]f[16]LBmoltB To shed the outer layer periodically. Ec[000000]f[16]LBmorphologicallyB By form or shape. Ec[000000]f[16]LBmottledB Having spots or blotches. Ec[000000]f[16]LBmutantB An individual that is significantly and genetically different from its parent. Ec[000000]f[16]LBmutationB A change in the structure of the genetic material. Ec[000000]f[16]LBnaiadB The nymph stage of an aquatic insect. Ec[000000]f[16]LBnitB The egg of a louse or another parasitic insect. Ec[000000]f[16]LBnocturnalB Pertaining to night. Ec[000000]f[16]LBnonmotileB Fixed, unable to move about. Ec[000000]f[16]LBnutrientB Food substance. Ec[000000]f[16]LBnymphB The wingless juvenile form of an insect. Ec[000000]f[16]LBolfactoryB Pertaining to the sense of smell. Ec[000000]f[16]LBommatidiumB A portion or facet of a compound eye. Ec[000000]f[16]LBomnivorousB Eating both plants and animals. Ec[000000]f[16]LBontogenyB The development and growth of an individual. Ec[000000]f[16]LBopaqueB Neither transparent nor translucent. Ec[000000]f[16]LBorganismB Anything capable of life. Ec[000000]f[16]LBorthopteraB Order of insects usually having enlarged stridulation organs. Ec[000000]f[16]LBpalpB Sensory appendage. Ec[000000]f[16]LBparapodiaB Primitive external appendages. Ec[000000]f[16]LBparasiteB An organism that derives its nourishment from another living organism, usually at the expense or detriment of its host. Ec[000000]f[16]LBparthenogenesisB Reproduction by development of an unfertilized gamete. Ec[000000]f[16]LBpellicleB A filmy, protective covering. Ec[000000]f[16]LBpenchantB Inclination. Ec[000000]f[16]LBperpetuateB To cause an indefinite continuation. Ec[000000]f[16]LBphotoreceptorB An organ that is sensitive to light. Ec[000000]f[16]LBphylogeneticB Pertaining to evolution. Ec[000000]f[16]LBphylumB In the classification system, a primary division of generally related plants or animals. Ec[000000]f[16]LBplasmaB The liquid part of various body fluids. Ec[000000]f[16]LBpolypB An individual colonial animal. Ec[000000]f[16]LBprecursorB One that precedes. Ec[000000]f[16]LBpredaceousB Predatory; living by seizing prey. Ec[000000]f[16]LBpredatorB An animal that kills for food. Ec[000000]f[16]LBprimitiveB Of earliest origin; not specialized. Ec[000000]f[16]LBproficientB Competent or expert at performing some function. Ec[000000]f[16]LBprolegB An unjointed abdominal appendage. Ec[000000]f[16]LBprolificB Producing many offspring. Ec[000000]f[16]LBpronotumB The dorsal portion of the prothorax. Ec[000000]f[16]LBprotosomeB The anterior part of the body. Ec[000000]f[16]LBpupateB To pass into a resting state during which tissues are reorganized. Ec[000000]f[16]LBradial symmetryB The state of having body parts arranged around an axis. Ec[000000]f[16]LBraptorialB Adapted to snatching or robbing. Ec[000000]f[16]LBreceptorB A cell or tissue that is sensitive to a specific stimulus, such as light. Ec[000000]f[16]LBregurgitateB To throw or pour back or out. Ec[000000]f[16]LBrelapsing feverB An infectious disease that is transmitted by lice or ticks. Ec[000000]f[16]LBresolutionB The fineness of detail in an image. Ec[000000]f[16]LBrespirationB The process or act of breathing. Ec[000000]f[16]LBretractableB The ability to be drawn inwards. Ec[000000]f[16]LBrudimentaryB Imperfectly developed. Ec[000000]f[16]LBsalivary glandsB Glands in the mouth that secrete saliva. Ec[000000]f[16]LBsaprozoicB Living on dead and decaying animal matter. Ec[000000]f[16]LBscavengerB An animal that feeds on dead and decaying matter. Ec[000000]f[16]LBsecreteB To generate and separate a substance from body cells. Ec[000000]f[16]LBsemipermeableB Selectively allowing free passage. Ec[000000]f[16]LBserratedB Notched like a saw. Ec[000000]f[16]LBsheathB A protective covering. Ec[000000]f[16]LBsiphonB A tubular organ for drawing fluid. Ec[000000]f[16]LBspectrumB A sequence of related qualities. Ec[000000]f[16]LBstaticB Remaining unchanged. Ec[000000]f[16]LBstimuliB Agents that cause a response in an organism. Ec[000000]f[16]LBstridulateB To produce sound by rubbing body parts together. Ec[000000]f[16]LBstyletB A pointed, bristlelike appendage. Ec[000000]f[16]LBsubstrateB A base to which an animal or plant attaches. Ec[000000]f[16]LBsuperficialB Obvious or readily apparent. Ec[000000]f[16]LBsuperposition imageB The effect of individual images blending into one another forming a brighter but less distinct image, as seen through a compound eye. Ec[000000]f[16]LBswarmB A large number of small organisms that are usually on the move. Ec[000000]f[16]LBsymbiosisB An association of mutual benefit between species. Ec[000000]f[16]LBsyntheticB Pertaining to the production of new materials. Ec[000000]f[16]LBtarsal segmentB A portion of the foot. Ec[000000]f[16]LBtaxaB Categories, particularly within the plant and animal classification system. Ec[000000]f[16]LBtegmenB A long, narrow, hardened forewing. Ec[000000]f[16]LBtergaB Dorsal thoracic plate. Ec[000000]f[16]LBthermoreceptorB A cell or organ that is sensitive to changes in temperature. Ec[000000]f[16]LBthoraxB A body region behind the heads of lower animals. Ec[000000]f[16]LBtibiaB The fourth joint of the leg in insects. Ec[000000]f[16]LBtrachioleB A respiratory air tube. Ec[000000]f[16]LBtransmitB To spread or pass on, as with an infection. Ec[000000]f[16]LBtrinomialB Having three names. Ec[000000]f[16]LBtuberculosisB An infectious disease that is characterized by fever, weight loss, chest pain, and the coughing up of mucus and sputum. Ec[000000]f[16]LBtularemiaB An infectious disease that is characterized by fever and swelling lymph nodes and transmitted to human beings by various insects or infected animals. Ec[000000]f[16]LBturgidityB Distention or bloat. Ec[000000]f[16]LBtymbalB A sound-producing organ in cicadas. Ec[000000]f[16]LBtympanaB Auditory membrane; the plural form of ItympanumI. Ec[000000]f[16]LBtyphusB Typhoid fever; an infectious disease that is transmitted by fleas, lice, or mites and is characterized by headache, fever, depression, delirium, and rashes. Ec[000000]f[16]LBtypologicB Relating to a classification based on type. Ec[000000]f[16]LBubiquitousB Omnipresent; seeming to be everywhere. Ec[000000]f[16]LBundulationB A wavelike swimming motion. Ec[000000]f[16]LBvectorB A carrier, especially of diseases. Ec[000000]f[16]LBvenationB A system of veins or nerves. Ec[000000]f[16]LBventralB Pertaining to the abdominal surface. Ec[000000]f[16]LBvesicleB A bladderlike air space in tissues. Ec[000000]f[16]LByellow feverB A tropical disease that is transmitted by mosquitoes and characterized by fever, jaundice, and gastrointestinal hemorrhaging. Ec[000000]f[16]LBzoologyB The scientific study of animal life.